The Tourettic Bully-Proofer | Blog



Make sure that your Child

At some point in our lives we all feel as if we do not belong. I’m 5’4”. Can you imagine how I would feel around the Harlem Globetrotters? Can you imagine how you would feel in southern Chicago if you grew up on the beaches of California. The point is, we all have situations in our lives where we just do not fit in. That’s really nothing new.


Do Remember That Your children Are Watching and Listening.

Your children watch everything that you say and do. They take their cues on what is and is not appropriate behavior from you. So if they see you being abusive towards them or your spouse or some other person. You have just inadvertently taught them to be loud, abusive, and disrespectful toward other people when something has upset you for whatever reason.

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