The Tourettic Bully-Proofer | Blog

DO Teach Your Children To Avoid Behaviors Likely To Make Them A Target For Bullying

We should not have to teach kids how to avoid being bullied. Ideally, parents and society should teach children not to bully in the first place. Unfortunately this is not how it goes. We cannot be sure that other parents will teach their kids to be kind and compassionate. So, as parents, we must do what we can to protect our children.

DO Learn To Recognize The Different Types Of Bullying

When adults become involved, bullying tends to be far less frequent. This is really what we want to accomplish as a society. I would love to be able to say that it would completely eradicate all bullying, but that is just not realistic. However, if we do our part, we will make it easier for all of our children.

DO Have Regular Family Meals

It strengthened our bonds with one another. It gave us time to share our lives with each other. It was a time for my daughter and wife to let me know about any problems they were having so that I could offer help or suggestions. It also gave me a heads up on how to help them to alleviate their stress. In addition, children who participate in evening meals together with their parents tend to do better in school. They get better grades and they have better social skills. My daughter was successful in school; maybe family meals helped.

Being Your Child’s Best Friend Is A Mistake

Trying to be your child’s best friend is a major mistake. I am not saying that you should not be on good terms with them; it is extremely important that you are. But do not try to be their BFF. As their parent, you are in the position of having to make decisions that are in your child’s best interests. These can be decisions that your child may not like, but you must make them.

Brainwashing Our Children

The liberal academics in our public school systems have systematically begun brainwashing our children into the socialistic way of thought. This is happening throughout the western world. The really scary part is that parents are now being told to stay out of the way. They are being told not to interfere with what our children are being taught. In essence, they are being brainwashed into believing that it is OK to riot; it is OK to believe everything their teachers tell them. Here is a link to the original article discussing this subject.

Formal Education

Formal education is not all that it is cracked up to be. Don’t get me wrong. I am not anti-education; just the opposite. But America has built the formal educational system to make sure that the majority of children can read, write, and do mathematical computations with some degree of accuracy. The more I read … Read more

Entitlement: Do We Really Deserve It?

American society has developed an overwhelming attitude of Entitlement. We have an unrealistic expectation that we deserve to start at the top or a higher level than other people who have worked for years to achieve the level of success that they now enjoy. Unfortunately, far too many parents do nothing to dispel this attitude. They … Read more