The Tourettic Bully-Proofer | Blog

DO Teach Your Children To Avoid Behaviors Likely To Make Them A Target For Bullying

We should not have to teach kids how to avoid being bullied. Ideally, parents and society should teach children not to bully in the first place. Unfortunately this is not how it goes. We cannot be sure that other parents will teach their kids to be kind and compassionate. So, as parents, we must do what we can to protect our children.

DON’T Make Promises You Can’t Or Won’t Keep

This is an issue that most of us might never think of when it comes to bullying. I am talking about how you, the parent, handle situations in your own life. I realize that right about now you must be thinking, “What in heaven’s name is this guy talking about?” This is also an issue that can cause enormous trouble when it comes to your child being considered trustworthy later in life. If you are unwilling or unable to do what you say you will do in exactly the way you say you will do it, then don’t promise you will from the beginning.