The Tourettic Bully-Proofer | Blog


Bullying, Anti-bullying, Childhood, Parents

Do Not Engage In Name-Calling, Especially In Front Of Your Children

DON’T engage in name-calling yourself, especially in front of your child. You’ve no doubt heard the playground rhyme, “Sticks and stones can break my bones, but words can never hurt me.” No kid believes this. Sometimes words are actions. Do you remember a time in school when someone called you a name that embarrassed you in front of your friends? Maybe it was a racial slur. There are any number of medical conditions that might make someone a target for name-calling because they stand out.

Childhood, Parents

The Benefits of Positive Reinforcement

It’s extremely important that you start using positive ways of communicating with you child right from the start. Before they can ever walk or crawl. Don’t get me wrong, I do believe in punishment when they continually do something that you have tried to instruct them not to do. But even when this situation occurs, it is important that you make them aware of the fact that you still love them and believe in them.

Bullying, Anti-bullying, Childhood, Parents

DO Develop A Strong Relationship With Your Child

This is the flip side to not being your child’s BFF. While you should not try to be your child’s best friend, you do need to develop a strong relationship with them. I am not saying that you need to be parent of the year; I am saying that you must be your child’s parent. As her parent, you will have a sense of authority that a best friend will not and cannot have. There will be times that this sense of authority will be absolutely critical.

Childhood, Parents, Society

Being Your Child’s Best Friend Is A Mistake

Trying to be your child’s best friend is a major mistake. I am not saying that you should not be on good terms with them; it is extremely important that you are. But do not try to be their BFF. As their parent, you are in the position of having to make decisions that are in your child’s best interests. These can be decisions that your child may not like, but you must make them.

Education, culture, Parents, Schools, Society

Brainwashing Our Children

The liberal academics in our public school systems have systematically begun brainwashing our children into the socialistic way of thought. This is happening throughout the western world. The really scary part is that parents are now being told to stay out of the way. They are being told not to interfere with what our children are being taught. In essence, they are being brainwashed into believing that it is OK to riot; it is OK to believe everything their teachers tell them. Here is a link to the original article discussing this subject.

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